
WebSockets is a protocol for providing web pages with simple two-way communication with a web server. This module allows browsers to communicate with Prosody via XMPP over WebSockets. This usually induces less overhead than using BOSH.

There are many JavaScript XMPP libraries capable of utilizing WebSockets, among them:


modules_enabled = {
    -- Other modules
    "websocket"; -- Enable mod_websocket

To allow requests that would normally break the Same-Origin policy, the cross_domain_websocket option can be used. Set it to true to enable cross-domain requests from all websites, or specify a list:

cross_domain_websocket = { "", "" }

If encryption is provided by a HTTP proxy, Prosody won’t be able to see this, and consider the connection insecure (consequently forbidding some authentication mechanisms). In this case Prosody can be told to always consider WebSocket connections secure by setting in the global section.

consider_websocket_secure = true

The WebSocket endpoint will be at and by default, see HTTP path configuration if you would like to change this.


Option Type Default
c2s_close_timeout number 5
consider_websocket_secure boolean empty
cross_domain_websocket set { "" }1

  1. Uses the http_host setting on the current VirtualHost↩︎